Almost Ready Blogs

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Snack Attack

Hi folks, I wrestled my husband's laptop out of his hands long enough to put up a quick post! I am hoping my laptop, Talulah, comes back soon - I miss her. Sniff.

Sometimes snacks are difficult to procure for a little person with a corn allergy or food allergies in general. On that note, a great friend, Mary, sent me an email about a product she found that I wanted to share with you.

Brother's All Natural Fruit Crisps

There are a variety of flavors including, Fuji Apple, Strawberry-banana, Pineapple, Banana, Asian Pear, White and Yellow Peach and Strawberry. Mary found them at Costco. I checked the website, they are also available at: Whole Foods, Walmart, 7-11, Toys-R-Us,, Walgreens, CVS and Rite-Aid.

Check out the website, and check out some for your little niblet - and a big thank you to Mary to keeping her eyes open and her willingness to share what she found. As always, if you come across a product you love, let us know!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Blogging Break

Hello Maizey Friends. My computer has developed a serious case of dead - so it is going for a vacation to India to see if they can do anything. Until it returns, I will be blogging fairly infrequently, but please keep checking back - as soon as my computer comes back we will be back on track!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Sale at The Maizey Store

If you order before midnight today and receive *UP TO 50% off your order. Just use code CAPSLOCKDAY9


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

There's Corn in That?

The theme for this episode is dedicated to Ethyl Alcohol. Ethyl Alcohol you ask while adding that we talk corn not alcohol. There is one thing that Ethyl Alcohol is made from - #2 Yellow Dent Corn!

  1. Rocket Fuel
  2. Whiskey (There's some whiskey that could double as rocket fuel)
  3. Hand Sanitizer

Monday, October 19, 2009

Extreme Blog Makeover

My previous layout was really dark so, thanks to the Template Mama I have a new and improved look. Come on in, look around, tell me what you think!

Book Report

I am a book junkie, a word nerd, a bibliophile - Big Poppa calls me an addict, but I can stop at any time, it's just a social thing.... Alright, between you and me I am an ADDICT. When Sissy was first diagnosed as having a corn allergy I went looking for books. I found a few that were very helpful so I want to share them with you. Please know I am not getting paid to endorse these books, I just found them really helpful. They now take a prominent place on my overrun bookshelves - having been run over with high-lighters, notes in the margins, dog ears and flags. I am hoping that some of the things I found helpful will help you as well.

1.) Food Allergies For Dummies

While I may not be the biggest fan of the name, the information provided is second to none. The book contains a tear out sheet with a food label crib sheet, symptom check list and reaction response plan. There are chapters on what to do when you are first faced with a diagnosis as well as how to live well with food allergies. There are helpful items for sending kids to school, camp and Nana's house. The last section is dedicated to "The Part of Tens"; which are top ten lists that are really helpful and very on topic.

2.) Food Allergy Field Guide : A Lifestyle Manual for Families

I really like this book because first of all it includes corn allergies, which can be hard to find, but also, there are a ton of recipes that I have had really good success with. It includes how to deal with family members that don't get it. We all have those family members who say, "Well in my day, there was no such thing as food allergies. These kids just don't want to finish their plate" - or some other such nonsense. That's why I appreciate a chapter subtitled, "Grandma's Not Trying to Kill you, She Just Doesn't Know".

3.) One Of The Gang: Nurturing the Souls of Children with Food Allergies

This is one to read to the little people in your lives who have food allergies. It's great. It contains help with the grief and sadness of it all as well as famous and successful people who also have food allergies.


Do you have books that you have found helpful? Please share!

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Tracee Sioux, over at one of my favorite websites The Girl Revolution informed me that my comment section was having issues. It has been fixed and you can comment away!

Also! I have new products at the Maizey Store - click the link at the right!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


With Halloween coming up soon, I was wondering what you do to help your food allergic kiddo celebrate! Please share your ideas and comments! We could all use the ideas!

witchsillo004armhrk.png image by snowiecats

Monday, October 12, 2009

Frugal Find

Part of the difficulty of managing a corn allergy is the incredible expense. You can not find very many things that are generic because those items contain corn. That's pretty hard on the average family, however. So in that vein, I am going to feature a frugal find. Watch for more frugal finds in the weeks to come!


I think most everyone has hydrogen peroxide lurking around in their medicine cabinet. You can usually find 16 ounces for under a dollar. We all know to pour it on a cut or sore to disinfect it, but there are hundreds of uses for peroxide around the house. Other than the family friendly price point, there is no corn in peroxide so it is safe.

  1. Pour a cup into a washer full of white clothes to whiten your laundry.
  2. Make a 50/50 peroxide and water mixture and keep in a spray bottle to use as sanitizer for cutting boards, kitchen counters, bathroom surfaces, etc.
  3. Soak fungus riddled finger and toe nails in a 50/50 peroxide/water mixture twice every day.
  4. Dab liberally onto acne with a cotton ball at least a couple times a day to clear up acne.
  5. Sanitize toothbrushes by soaking for ten minutes in peroxide.
  6. Produce wash! (The stuff they sell at the store contains corn)
  7. Remove blood from clothing by soaking in peroxide for ten minutes, rub together and rinse with cold water. Repeat as needed.
  8. Use as a window cleaner.
  9. Whiten teeth by swishing in mouth 5 to 10 minutes every day.
  10. If your dog eats poison give her 2 teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide to induce vomiting.
  11. Fill a spray bottle with hydrogen peroxide and spray your tile grout. Let set for 15 minutes clean with a toothbrush dipped in peroxide, repeat the spray and rinse off.
  12. Kill mold. With a spray bottle filled with h2o2
  13. Add 2 ounces (2 tablespoons) of peroxide to the dishwasher to make those glasses sparkle!

Do you have a use for peroxide that you want to share? We LOVE comments!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Genius Product

Have you heard of Mabel's Labels? They are a Canadian company of moms who really understand the need for good labels.

My favorite is the package of safety labels. They are dishwasher and microwave safe as well as UV resistant. Sissy takes a water bottle to school, church, shopping - everywhere. I have a safety label on her water bottle. The plate and lid combo in which I take Sissy's meals with us is decorated with one on the top and one on the bottom. I cannot recommend them highly enough!

I love them. They are bright red with a cute icon, your kiddos name and allergy. Hop on over to Mabel's Labels to check out their products! I am not getting paid to endorse Mabel's Labels; I just REALLY love them!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Mommy Time

As the caregiver of Sissy with severe food allergies and asthma, and DB who has Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, sometimes the stress can become pretty overwhelming. I know I am not the only parent in the world who feels overwhelmed, so here is a list of ideas of things to do for yourself to relax and refresh. I call this the Airplane Mask Principle - you have to put on your own mask so that you can help someone else; likewise you have to take some time to do something good for yourself to be able to take care of someone else. Enjoy!

  1. Listen to Music
  2. Laugh - check out YouTube! Here are some of my favorites!
    1. Sneezing Panda
    2. Very Angry Cat
    3. Best Baby Laugh
  3. Cuddle up to your family dog, cat, turtle or goat
  4. Knit/Cross Stitch/Crochet
  5. Yoga
  6. Take a nap
  7. Go outside - for even 5 minutes
  8. Call a friend
  9. Read a book - here are some good ones - for the most part they are really funny
    1. Island of the Sequined Love Nun
    2. A Dirty Job: A Novel
    3. Fluke: Or, I Know Why the Winged Whale Sings (Today Show Book Club #25)
    4. Little Green Men: A Novel
    5. God Is My Broker: A Monk-Tycoon Reveals the 7 1/2 Laws of Spiritual and Financial Growth
    6. The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
  10. Buy yourself flowers
  11. Gather the kids in bed and watch a movie
  12. Take a hot bath or shower
  13. Prank text - it takes a little of the prankiness out of it, but, I do sometimes text people, "This is the Sears repair center, is your refrigerator running?"
  14. Celebrate Jammy Day! Spend a whole day wearing your jammies, if they have duckies on them, that's even better.
  15. Take a walk
  16. Do something nice for someone else
  17. Take a class - here are some of the classes offered at our local community center.
    1. Navajo Weaving
    2. Stained Glass
    3. Tap Dancing
    4. Fly Fishing
    5. Scuba Diving
    6. Snowboarding
    7. Learn Spanish, French, German, Italian, Japanese or Russian

The point is to do something good for yourself. Have a good book to share? We'd love to hear it!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

There's Corn in That?

Every so often, I will post three surprising things that contain corn. So here's our first!

  1. Bedding products - Target sells "Ingeo" brand bedding including pillows, mattress covers, comforters and fiber beds that are made of corn according to the Kentucky Corn Growers Association.
  2. Prang products - water colors, tempera paints, etc.
  3. Bottled water - Biota brand uses plastic made from corn.
  4. Technorati Tags:

Sunday, October 4, 2009


For kids of any age, bullying is an issue. For kids who are different in any way, it's a BIG issue. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, kids with disabilities are more likely to be bullied. While severe food allergies may not be what we think of when we think disability, that is how our kids are protected with section 504 under the Americans with Disabilities Act. Kids have a hard enough time feeling different without the teasing of other kids. In the light of trying to keep our kids happy and healthy, let's talk about bullies and bullying. 

The BBC Website gives a really helpful list of of a few symptoms your child may exhibit if they are being bullied. There is also helpful warning signs and symptoms over at US Department of Health and Human Services.

  • Your child gets upset at the thought of going to school.
  • Your child says he doesn't feel well enough to attend school everyday.
  • Complains frequently of headaches, stomach aches and other physical symptoms.
  • Your child starts to exhibit unusual behavior - they may become quiet, resentful, or more "clingy".
  • Has difficulty sleeping and/or frequent bad dreams.
  • Your child is depressed or weepy when she comes home for school.

Here's the list, it's not exhaustive - it's a few basic guidelines. But, you know your child. You KNOW when something's up. Here's the secret that shouldn't be...communication - is the key to disarming a bully. As mom's we want to think we can swoop in and solve a problem but this is a case where we CANNOT do it alone.

Here's where the communication begins, if you suspect your child is being bullied, sit down and talk to your lovey.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has some really great ideas for discussion starters. Subtle and direct questions to help your kiddo open up and let you know what is going on at school.

Please check out the list to help begin a conversation. Here's the key with my little people - I ask open ended questions; questions where the answer has to be more than one word. Instead of "Did your day go well?" try "What was the best/worst part of your day?". Sometimes when you let kids ramble, you stumble upon a hidden gem.

Your next course of action should be to contact your child's school. Make an appointment with his teacher. Remember to keep your "mama bear" temper in check. Right now, you are on a fact finding mission, and it won't be helpful to alienate anyone. Ask questions and listen to the answers; take notes. Information is crucial. Once you speak with your child's teacher give him or her some time to work out the issues in her classroom. You will know if what the teacher is doing is being effectual or not. If you feel like you can do it congenially, consider contacting the bully's parents. Sometimes these parents have no idea what is going on - and parents can have a profound impact.

In the meantime

Teach your kiddo about how to handle teasing when it occurs. Here are some IDEAS - this is what I've gathered from research and speaking with teachers and principals, however, please speak with your pediatrician, school counselor, religious leader or some other trusted individual who can give appropriate advice for your situation.

Here are some things that I have told Sissy.

  • It is okay to say, "I don't want to play with you until you are nice to me".
  • You do NOT have to allow yourself to be picked on.
  • It is okay to walk away from someone who is teasing you.
  • Tell your teacher, principal, Mommy - tell a grown-up.
  • Many times bullies are people who feel sad on the inside, so it is important that we pray for them everyday.
  • You have power! The power to say stop - the power to walk away - the power to tell an adult so they can make it stop.

If you find that your meeting with the teacher has not been effective, it's time to talk to the principal. When you speak with the principal, you may want immediate decisive action. Please be aware that most schools have a well established plan when dealing with bullying behavior. Try to be patient and allow the school to do what they have prepared for.

Remember you can always go to the superintendent and/or school board. You have channels. You have to be persistent, assertive (not aggressive) and remember that the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Squeak! Find an ally in the school who can help if possible, keep speaking/emailing your school.

Good luck. If you have advice or questions please ask!